Integrating Healthcare Data in a Serverless World

Welcome to the Digital Developer Conference Hybrid Cloud - Integrating Healthcare Data in a Serverless World!

Integrating Healthcare Data in a Serverless World

Welcome to the Digital Developer Conference Hybrid Cloud - Integrating Healthcare Data in a Serverless World!

In this lab, developers integrate a healthcare data application using IBM FHIR Server with Red Hat OpenShift Serverless to create and respond to a healthcare scenario.

This lab is a companion to the session Integrating Healthcare Data in a Serverless World at Digital Developer Conference - Hybrid Cloud.

The content for this lab can be found at

Have fun!

At the conclusion of the Conference, please email with questions.

To Get Started Right Away with the conference…

  1. Get added to the “DEGCLOUD” IBM Cloud account using the following app -
    • lab key: welcome
    • IBM ID: the email you used to create your IBM Cloud account
  2. You will then get an invite message in your email which you must accept. It doesn’t matter if you see an “oops” message here. You must accept the invite before continuing.
  3. Then, you can use the following app to get access to a cluster. -
    • Lab key: oslab
    • IBM ID: The email you used to create your IBM Cloud account


For each lab participant, the lab has two distinct sections - Project and Test.

Each attendee should complete the Prerequisites section.


  1. Connect with the IBM Cloud CLI and OpenShift CLI
  2. Clone the repo
  3. Download and Load the Project
  4. Review the Serverless project
  5. Build the Serverless project
  6. Push to the OpenShift Container Registry
  7. Create the OpenShift Serverless service


  1. Test the Serverless Function to load data
  2. Confirm Your data is loaded using FHIR Search
  3. Test the Serverless Function to search and read data


The lab proctors have previously completed the Appendix: Setup. If you are running outside of the Lab Environment, prior to completing the Project and Test sections, please complete the Appendix: Setup.

  1. Install Docker docker

  2. Log in, or create an account on IBM Cloud

  3. Install the Red Hat OpenShift cli oc Link to the Install

  4. Install the Knative cli kn Link to the Install

  5. Optional: Install Maven mvn and Java. You should use Java 11 for this lab. You can download from the AdoptOpenJDK website


1. Connect with the IBM Cloud CLI and OpenShift CLI

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud

  2. Click on your cluster

  3. Click on OpenShift Web Console

  4. Click on the User dropdown in the Upper Right > Copy Login Command

  5. A new tab opens, Click Display Token and Copy the Contents

  6. On a terminal window, paste the contents on the terminal.

     oc login --token=sha256~*** \

    You see:

     Logged into "https://****" as "IAM#***" using the token provided.
     You have access to 69 projects, the list has been suppressed. You can list all projects with 'oc projects'
     Using project "default".

2. Clone the repo

  1. Clone the repository

     git clone

    You see the repository is cloned and unpacked.

     Cloning into 'healthcare-serverless'...
     remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
     remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
     remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
     remote: Total 10 (delta 1), reused 6 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
     Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), done.
  2. Change to the healthcare-serverless repository

     cd healthcare-serverless

3. Download and Load the Project

  1. Open with your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE), such as Visual Code.

  2. Change directory to the example-fhir-knative project

     cd example-fhir-knative

Once you have the project in the IDE, you are ready to review and build.

4. Review the Serverless Project

  1. Review the src/main/resources/ a simple properties file. Notice the property points to the IBM FHIR Server - If you are using this pattern in production, you can load all these values from a secret.

  2. Review the API, and you’ll see how the API takes Query Parameters first and last name, and runs the Client.

    • src/main/java/com/ibm/fhir/example/knative/ - The Loader API takes two simple HTTP Query Parameters, a first and last name, and submits a FHIR Bundle for the User identified by firstName and lastName.

        public class Loader {
            public List<String> loadPatient(
                    @QueryParam(value="first") String firstName,
                    @QueryParam(value="last") String lastName) throws Exception {
                try { 
                    Client client = new Client();
                    return client.submitBundle(firstName, lastName);
                } catch (Exception e) { 
                    return Arrays.asList(e.toString() + "/" + e);
    • src/main/java/com/ibm/fhir/example/knative/ - The Report API calls the Client API.

        public class Report {
            public String generateReport() throws Exception {
                Client client = new Client();
                return client.buildReport();
  3. Review the /src/main/java/com/ibm/fhir/example/ and you’ll find the dependency fhir-client is used to call the backend. The backend configuration is loaded from the, and facilitates the creation and retrieval of FHIR data.

    The submitBundle creates a FHIRClient loads an endpoint configuration, and submits a generated bundle to the backend and generates a list of Resources extracted using the fhir-path module.

     public List<String> submitBundle(String firstName, String lastName) throws Exception {
         Properties props = generateProperties();
         FHIRClient client = FHIRClientFactory.getClient(props);
         BundleGenerator generator = new BundleGenerator();
         Bundle bundle = generator.sampleData(firstName, lastName);
         Entity<Bundle> entity = Entity.entity(bundle, FHIRMediaType.APPLICATION_FHIR_JSON);
         Response response = client.getWebTarget().request().post(entity, Response.class);
         Bundle responseBundle = response.readEntity(Bundle.class);"The Response is " + responseBundle);
         FHIRPathEvaluator evaluator = FHIRPathEvaluator.evaluator();
         Collection<FHIRPathNode> result = evaluator.evaluate(responseBundle, "entry.response.location");
         // Convert the Path Nodes to the List of Locations
         List<String> listOfLocations = new ArrayList<>();
         for (FHIRPathNode node : result) {
             String loc = node.asElementNode().element().as(;
             listOfLocations.add(props.getProperty("") + "/" +  loc);
         return listOfLocations;

    The buildReport also uses the FHIRClient to call the backend using Search Parameters (HTTP Query parameters) and returns a FHIR Bundle in the application/fhir+json format. The content is extracted, and the total number of Patients with MedicationAdministration resources today are returned. From this basic pattern you can execute even more complicated healtcare queries.

     public String buildReport() throws Exception {
         FHIRClient client = FHIRClientFactory.getClient(generateProperties());
         ZonedDateTime zdt =;
         DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
         String ymd = formatter.format(zdt);
         Response response = client.getWebTarget()
                                     .queryParam("_include", "MedicationAdministration:patient")
                                     .queryParam("_include", "MedicationAdministration:medication")
                                     .queryParam("_lastUpdated", ymd)
                                     .header("X-FHIR-TENANT-ID", "default")
                                     .header("X-FHIR-DSID", "default")
                                     .header("Content-Type", "application/fhir+json")
         Bundle responseBundle = response.readEntity(Bundle.class);"The Report Response is " + responseBundle);
         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
         // Output the number of MedicationAdministrations
         builder.append("Total Number of Medication Administrations Today are: ")
         // Use FHIRPath to Extract the Entry Resource
         FHIRPathEvaluator evaluator = FHIRPathEvaluator.evaluator();
         Collection<FHIRPathNode> result = evaluator.evaluate(responseBundle, "Bundle.entry.resource");
         // Convert the Path Nodes to Patient Names
         int idx = 0;
         for (FHIRPathNode node : result) {
             Resource r = node.asResourceNode().resource();
             if (r instanceof Patient) {
                 Patient patient = node.asResourceNode().resource().as(Patient.class);
                 String patientName = patient.getName().stream()
                                         .map(name -> name.getGiven()
                                                             .map(m -> m.getValue())
                                                             .collect(Collectors.joining(" "))
                                                     + "," 
                                                     + name.getFamily().getValue())
                 builder.append("[").append(idx++).append("] ");
         }"--> " + builder.toString());
         return builder.toString();
  4. Review the /src/main/java/com/ibm/fhir/example/ and you’ll see the fhir-model is used to build a set of resources in the HL7 FHIR Standard.

    The sampleData method uses the IBM FHIR Server’s fhir-model to create a Bundle that reflects a conformant set of Resources for the patient. This particular patient has a Medication prescribed for his observed (Observation) Blood Pressure and subsequently administered the medicine (MedicationAdministration).

    With the following method, you see how the HL7 FHIR model is wrapped in a set of builders to create an Observation of the Patient’s Blood Pressure reading. A very cool thing here is the .subject(Reference.builder().reference(string("Patient/" + patientId)).build()) which is a relative reference to the Patient. Relative references allow us to retrieve the Patient’s resources in one call.

     public Observation buildObservation(String patientId) {
         CodeableConcept code = CodeableConcept.builder()
                     .display(string("Blood pressure panel with all children optional"))
             .text(string("Blood pressure systolic & diastolic"))
         Observation observation = Observation.builder()
                                 .display(string("Vital Signs"))
                             .text(string("Vital Signs"))
                         .text(string("Blood pressure systolic & diastolic")).build())
                 .subject(Reference.builder().reference(string("Patient/" + patientId)).build())
                         .text(string("Systolic blood pressure")).build())
                         .text(string("Diastolic blood pressure")).build())
                         .div(Xhtml.of("<div xmlns=\"\">GENERATED</div>"))
         return observation;

5. Build the Serverless project

  1. Build the project resources

  2. If you have Maven installed:

     mvn clean install

    You should see BUILD SUCCESS. Note, if you do not, you

     [INFO] -------------------------------------------------
     [INFO] -------------------------------------------------
     [INFO] Total time:  9.077 s
     [INFO] Finished at: 2021-09-07T16:02:16-04:00
     [INFO] -------------------------------------------------
  3. If you do not have Maven installed

    1. Extract the file.
     unzip -qu
    1. Check the files exist
     ls -1 target

    You’ll see:

  4. Build the Docker image

     docker build -qf src/main/docker/Dockerfile \
         -t example/fhir-knative-jvm:latest .

    You’ll see the image built, and named.


6. Push to the OpenShift Container Registry

  1. Change to your project, such as my-fhir-project. If you need to create a project, you can first run oc new-project my-fhir-project to create a project.

     oc project my-fhir-project

    You have changed your name space

     Now using project "my-fhir-project" on server "".
  2. Check the OpenShift Image registry host

    oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry \ --template='{{ }}'

    You see the hostname printed.
  3. Create an image stream

     oc create imagestream fhir-knative-jvm

    You see a new image stream is created. created
  4. Tag the Image for the Image Registry

    docker tag example/fhir-knative-jvm:latest $(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ }}')/$(oc project --short=true)/fhir-knative-jvm:latest

  5. Login to the Image Registry, and confirm you see Login Succeeded.

    docker login -u `oc whoami` -p `oc whoami --show-token` $(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ }}')

  6. Push the Image into the OpenShift Image Registry

    docker push $(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ }}')/$(oc project --short=true)/fhir-knative-jvm:latest

    You see the image is on the server

     The push refers to repository []
     5f70bf18a086: Pushed 
     d23bc788009e: Pushed 
     8cf05ebe3167: Pushed 
     e7ed17121dee: Mounted from fhir-serverless/fhir-knative-jvm 
     785573c4b945: Mounted from fhir-serverless/fhir-knative-jvm 
     latest: digest: sha256:27e52ab6a53cfc2d74350b230eb0c8693af0875c63c66f117f386cadb08fbf44 size: 1357

    If you see unauthorized: authentication required, please be sure to docker login in the prior step.

    If you see Error from server (NotFound): "default-route" not found, be sure to expose your OpenShift Registry with an External Route.

  7. Make the local registry lookup use relative names

     oc set image-lookup  --all

    You see, and now you can use relative names to find your image. image lookup updated

7. Create the OpenShift Serverless service

  1. Create the Knative service

     kn service create myfhir --force \
         --image image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/$(oc project --short=true)/fhir-knative-jvm

    You see the revision of the Knative application is made available.

     Replacing service 'myfhir' in namespace 'my-fhir-project':
     0.213s Configuration "myfhir" does not have any ready Revision.
     0.623s ...
     0.762s Configuration "myfhir" is waiting for a Revision to become ready.
     29.217s ...
     29.358s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
     29.840s Waiting for load balancer to be ready
     30.129s Ready to serve.
     Service 'myfhir' replaced to latest revision 'myfhir-00001' is available at URL:


8. Test the Serverless Function to load data

  1. Check the url endpoint

     kn service describe myfhir -o url 

    You see:
  2. Call the Serverless project with example first and last names.

     curl $(kn service describe myfhir -o url)'/v1/api/loader?last=Smith&first=John'

    You see the URLs generated for the new Patient data.

  1. Copy the URL from the output. e.g. and modify it slightly to extract the UUID so you are able to execute an _id search. The UUID above is dc7857d3-b5b8-4267-bdc5-14f86848ea7c.

  2. Confirm the Patient is loaded using IBM FHIR Server’s Search support. Be sure to include the URL in Double Quotes.

     curl -k -u fhiruser:change-password \

    You see the FHIR R4 Patient Resource

         "resourceType": "Bundle",
         "id": "30b39c61-3803-4ece-a502-a676975eb1d5",
         "type": "searchset",
         "total": 1,
         "link": [
                 "relation": "self",
                 "url": ""
         "entry": [
                 "fullUrl": "",
                 "resource": {
                     "resourceType": "Patient",
                     "id": "dc7857d3-b5b8-4267-bdc5-14f86848ea7c",
                     "meta": {
                         "versionId": "1",
                         "lastUpdated": "2021-09-09T00:12:25.824Z"
                     "text": {
                         "status": "generated",
                         "div": "<div xmlns=\"\">loaded from the datastore</div>"
                     "active": true,
                     "name": [
                             "family": "John",
                             "given": [
                     "birthDate": "2021-09-09",
                     "multipleBirthInteger": 2,
                     "generalPractitioner": [
                             "reference": "urn:uuid:c03f629d-16ff-4644-8ed9-fff14f35730d"
                 "search": {
                     "mode": "match",
                     "score": 1

You have successfully loaded your IBM FHIR Server with Healthcare Data using a Serverless project.

10. Test the Serverless Function to search and read data

  1. Call the Serverless project with example first and last names.

     curl $(kn service describe myfhir -o url)'/v1/api/report'

    You see the report generated by querying the backend FHIR Data.

     Total Number of Medication Administrations Today are: 2
     [0] John Smith
     [1] Johnny Smith

If there is more than one Patient created, you’ll notice your report gets slightly more complicated as it reports on the total Patients that have Medications administered to them.


In this lab, you have built a simple healthcare serverless application using Red Hat OpenShift Serverless to interact with the IBM FHIR Server.


Paul Bastide is reachable at:

Appendix: Setup

Setup IBM Cloud CLI (Optional)

  1. Install the IBM Cloud CLI

  2. Install the IBM Cloud CLI Plugins

Plugin: Container Service

You should install Container Service for additional control of your containers.

ibmcloud plugin install container-service -f

You see:

Looking up 'container-service' from repository 'IBM Cloud'...
Plug-in 'container-service/kubernetes-service 1.0.312' found in repository 'IBM Cloud'
Attempting to download the binary file...
29.13 MiB / 29.13 MiB [============] 100.00% 3s
30539808 bytes downloaded
Installing binary...
Plug-in 'container-service 1.0.312' was successfully installed. Use 'ibmcloud plugin show container-service' to show its details.

Plugin: Container Registry

You should install Container Registry to support a custom Registry

ibmcloud plugin install container-registry -f

You see:

Looking up 'container-registry' from repository 'IBM Cloud'...
Plug-in 'container-registry 0.1.543' found in repository 'IBM Cloud'
Attempting to download the binary file...
26.28 MiB / 26.28 MiB [============] 100.00% 2s
27560704 bytes downloaded
Installing binary...
Plug-in 'container-registry 0.1.543' was successfully installed. Use 'ibmcloud plugin show container-registry' to show its details.

Plugin: Observe Service

You should install Observe Service for additional logging of your containers and cluster.

ibmcloud plugin install observe-service -f

You see:

Looking up 'observe-service' from repository 'IBM Cloud'...
Plug-in 'observe-service 1.0.61' found in repository 'IBM Cloud'
Attempting to download the binary file...
17.70 MiB / 17.70 MiB [============] 100.00% 1s
18561888 bytes downloaded
Installing binary...
Plug-in 'observe-service 1.0.61' was successfully installed. Use 'ibmcloud plugin show observe-service' to show its details.

Setup PostgreSQL Instance

To support the IBM FHIR Server’s schema, a IBM® Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL database with at least one user with max_connections and max_prepared_transactions configured as shown in the below script.

The script is as follows:

ibmcloud resource service-instance-create serverless-db \
    databases-for-postgresql standard us-east \
    -p '{"service-endpoints": "public-and-private"}'
ibmcloud cdb deployment-configuration \
    serverless-db '{"max_connections": 150}'
ibmcloud cdb deployment-configuration \
    serverless-db '{"max_prepared_transactions": 150}'
ibmcloud cdb deployment-user-create serverless-db \

Setup IBM FHIR Server Operator

The following outlines the steps necessary to setup the IBM FHIR Server Operator.

  1. Setup the IBM Managed OpenShift
  2. Install Red Hat OpenShift Serverless Operator
  3. Install Knative Serving
  4. Add the IBM FHIR Server operator to the catalog
  5. Setup the IBM FHIR Server Operator
  6. Create an IBM FHIR Server instance
  7. Create a Route

1. Setup the IBM Managed OpenShift

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud

  2. Click Create Cluster

  3. Select Red Hat OpenShift (The page changes to the OpenShift Version)

  4. Select the OpenShift verison 4.7 stream (4.7.19 as of writing)

  5. Click VPC

  6. Select a COS storage container

  7. Select only one Worker Zone (we don’t need multiple subnets)

  8. Change the cluster name to ibmfhirserverhealthcare

  9. Click Create

  10. … Wait until the Ingress Status is Healthy and there are three nodes deployed and healthy …

  11. Click on OpenShift Web Console

2. Install Red Hat OpenShift Serverless Operator

  1. Click on Operators > OperatorHub

  2. Find Red Hat OpenShift Serverless

  3. Click on the Red Hat OpenShift Serverless tile

  4. Click Install

  5. On the Install Operator panel, select Update channel stable.

  6. Select Installation mode All namespaces on the cluster.

  7. Select Approval strategy Automatic

  8. Click Install

    … The operator is installed …

  9. Wait for Installed Operator - ready for use.

  10. Click View Operator

3. Install Knative Serving

  1. Switch Project to the knative-serving namespace

  2. Click on Operators > Red Hat OpenShift Serverless

  3. Click Knative Serving > Create Instance

  4. Click Create

4. Add the IBM FHIR Server operator to the catalog

  1. Click on the User dropdown in the Upper Right > Copy Login Command

  2. A new tab opens, Click Display Token and Copy the Contents

  3. On a terminal window, paste the contents on the terminal.

     oc login --token=sha256~*** \

    You see:

     Logged into "https://****" as "IAM#***" using the token provided.
     You have access to 69 projects, the list has been suppressed. You can list all projects with 'oc projects'
     Using project "default".
  4. Create a file for the IBM Operator Catalog source with the following content, and save as IBMCatalogSource.yml:

     cat << EOF > IBMCatalogSource.yml
     kind: CatalogSource
     name: ibm-operator-catalog
     namespace: openshift-marketplace
     displayName: "IBM Operator Catalog"
     publisher: IBM
     sourceType: grpc
         interval: 45m
  5. Apply the source by using the following command:

     oc apply -f IBMCatalogSource.yml
  6. Upon success, you see: created

5. Setup the IBM FHIR Server Operator

  1. Click on Operators > OperatorHub

  2. Find IBM FHIR Server

  3. Click on the IBM FHIR Server tile

  4. Click Install

  5. Select Update channel v1.1

  6. Select A specific namespace on the cluster

  7. Click on Installed Namespace

  8. Click Create Namespace

  9. Enter name fhir-serverless

  10. Click Create

  11. Select Approval strategy automatic

  12. Click Install

... The operator is installed ...

  1. Wait for Installed Operator - ready for use.

  2. Click View Operator

6. Create an IBM FHIR Server instance

  1. Download the IBM FHIR Server configuration for Postgres the fhir-server-config.json. Note, this version is from the 4.6.1 release which matches the Operator’s version.
curl -o fhir-server-config.json -L \
  1. If you look at the configuration, you’ll notice it’s a JSON file with lots of name-value pairs which control the behavior of the IBM FHIR Server. The details for each of the features and configurations is detailed on the IBM FHIR Server’s Users Guide.

  2. Create the admin.txt password with a random password value.

cat << EOF > admin.txt
$(openssl rand -hex 20)
  1. Create the user.txt password
cat << EOF > user.txt
$(openssl rand -hex 20)
  1. Create the timeout secret
cat << EOF > timeout.txt
  1. Next, create persistence.json.

  2. Login to the IBM Cloud Console

  3. Find your Postgres service serverless-db

  4. Click Service Credentials

  5. Click New Credentials

  6. Type serverless

  7. Click Add

  8. Expand the serverless entry

  9. Replace the details in the command below:

cat << EOF > persistence.json
      "persistence": [
              "db":  {
                  "type": "postgresql",
                  "host": "",
                  "port": "13999",
                  "database": "ibmclouddb",
                  "user": "dbuser",
                  "password": "password",
                  "ssl": "true",
                  "certificate_base64": "<<from connection.certificate.certificate_base64>>"
              "schema": {
                  "fhir": "FHIRDATA",
                  "batch": "FHIR_JBATCH",
                  "oauth": "FHIR_OAUTH"
              "grant":  "dbuser",
              "behavior": "onboard"
  1. Create datasource.xml by replacing the values below
cat << EOF > datasource.xml
      <dataSource id="fhirDefaultDefault" jndiName="jdbc/fhir_default_default" type="javax.sql.XADataSource" statementCacheSize="200" syncQueryTimeoutWithTransactionTimeout="true" validationTimeout="30s">
        <jdbcDriver javax.sql.XADataSource="org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource" libraryRef="sharedLibPostgres"/>
        <connectionManager maxPoolSize="200" minPoolSize="40"/>
  1. Create the db.cert
echo connection.certificate.certificate_base64>> | base64 -d > db.cert
  1. Create the fhir-serverless-secret secret
oc create secret generic fhir-serverless-secret \
      --from-file=IBM_FHIR_SCHEMA_TOOL_INPUT=./persistence.json \
      --from-file=IBM_FHIR_SERVER_CONFIG=./fhir-server-config.json \
      --from-file=IBM_FHIR_SERVER_DATASOURCE=./datasource.xml \
      --from-file=IBM_FHIR_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=./admin.txt \
      --from-file=IBM_FHIR_SERVER_USER_PASSWORD=./user.txt \
      --from-file=IBM_FHIR_SERVER_CERT=./db.cert \
      --from-file=IBM_FHIR_SERVER_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT=./timeout.txt \
  1. Click Create Instance on the IBMFHIRServer tile.

  2. Enter a name for the instance, and enter the name of the Secret resource containing the IBM FHIR Server configuration, such as fhir-serverless-inst.

  3. Set License accept to true.

  4. Click Create

  5. Once the pods are UP…

  6. Create a Networking > Routes

  7. Click Create Route

  8. Enter a Name - fhir-server-route

  9. Select Service fhir-serverless-inst

  10. Select Target Port 443 -> 9443.

  11. Select TLS Termination

  12. Click TLS Termination Type Passthrough

  13. Select Insecure Traffic Redirect

  14. Click Create

  15. You are redirected to the Route details, and you find your location listed:

  16. Run a Health Check

curl -k -u fhiruser:yourpassword '$healthcheck'

Your IBM FHIR Server instance is up and running on Red Hat OpenShift.

References and Links

The following references are handy for fellow developers:


Red Hat OpenShift



The author would like to acknowledge the authors of Digital Developer Conference Hybrid Cloud - Lab Stream and GitHub: IBM/example-bank - Building a data privacy focused mobile back-end who provided insight and a pattern to follow for this Lab.